Monday, May 26, 2008

This weekend

Memorial Day Weekend. Need I say more. On Saturday my band Tabula Rasa played at the California Brew Haus. It was an awsome show. We introduced our newest member Tom Glende. As we were loading our gear into the practice spot I was thinking to myself "self your wearing sandels and haven't done anything to your toes". Two minutes later "BAM" Bass cabinet on the toe. M*TH^%F&*#$R!!!! to be polite.(see pictures)
On to Sunday out to see the wifes Grandfather, and a new expierence Beer Keg Turkey it was (how do you spell mouthwatering and drooling at same time?)!!! Great times and good conversation.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Trying to write

Yes I know I'm trying to write more on this thing. Well April was a blur and ow that it is nice out things are going to get more and more blurry. Every weekend something to do and with somewhere to go. And next thing you know its all over and more of the white stuff and hibernation for good Ol'Rochester.
I have been trying to book my band at different places other than the California Brew Haus. But they like us there. We have a second guitarist and things are moving along pretty well with that.
More to come